“I am concept artist heavily invested in telling stories surrounding themes of humanity. I mainly create in 2D, and have a leaning towards character and monster designs, although I also love creating moody environmental atmospheres - because I love seeing all different subject matter in a world (characters, environments) interlink and complement each other to create a coherent narrative and most importantly, a greater emotional resonance with the audience.”
“I used to feel really unsure about how to learn beginner art fundamentals. Studying here has given me structure of how to start learning art - the classes and instructors here have guided me and taught me a lot about my own art and design process, my strengths and weaknesses. Having finished the degree, I now feel more encouraged than ever to be a lifelong student to art, and I cannot wait to learn and grow more as an artist with the tools and mindset I've developed during the course.”
— Megan Wong