“I wish to contribute to industry through worldbuilding and visual story telling. I love to create, and I have found from my time at CDW that this love goes far beyond just creating artwork. Throughout my Honours degree I have studied the business models of Disney and Pokemon, and have investigated ways to apply their methodology to my own project.
As a result, I have succeeded in creating multiple mediums that support the creation of an IP I've developed. My plans moving forward is to continue working on this project and develop a business model that will see this ambition succeed. My goal is to help contribute to the industry within South Australia, and provide work opportunities for Adelaide's ever-growing pool of talent.
With that being said, there is still a lot more for me to master, and I believe the best way forward is to work with, and learn from other teams. So I am open to taking on freelance work or short contracts to support this goal of mine, as this endeavor so far has been personally funded from my own wallet.”
“My time at CDW Studios and Flinders University has allowed me to focus 100% of my time on refining my skills set. The discipline I established through my time studying has grown in a way that I can confidently take my abilities and contribute to the entertainment industry.”
- Anthony Robinson